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Agosto 2018 – ITALYforFOODIES.Tours

Home2018 2018 Agosto

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I will start by introducing myself… I am Debora Conti, 48 years old, and I am happy to have spent 25 of those years in the world of tour organisation, both for Italians travelling abroad and those from overseas who have chosen Italy for their holidays. My passion for travel organisation developed during my childhood,...

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    Feel free to message us for any question or dubt about our trips.

      ItalyForFoodies by Loop Travel s.r.l.
      Via Vincenzo Borghini, 11r
      50133 FIRENZE
      Tel. +39 055 0670997

      Company Data:
      VAT:  06986150487
      Pec: looptravelsrl@pec.it
      Commercial Register: FI – 631694
      Issued by Provincia di Firenze il 23/10/2014

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      Business Insurance:

      Europ Assistance nr. 8747853
      Insolvency Policy: NOBIS NR 6006001943/T

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