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Gluten Free Travel – ITALYforFOODIES.Tours

Italyforfoodies Gluten Free Travel

18 Agosto 2018by Italyforfoodies0

I will start by introducing myself…

I am Debora Conti,

48 years old, and I am happy to have spent 25 of those years in the world of tour organisation, both for Italians travelling abroad and those from overseas who have chosen Italy for their holidays.

My passion for travel organisation developed during my childhood, when I travelled with my parents and my sister, and followed my father’s business trips. I have been fortunate enough to turn my passion into my work, first as an employee and then, from 2014, as the General Manager of Eve-Lab and Loop Travel and of the incoming specialist brand ITALY FOR FOODIES.For some years now my own family has been living with the effects of celiac disease.

Once we’d overcome the initial problems, we decided not to let them hold as back, and we decided to transform these obstacles into opportunities.Travelling with my family, I have come across all types of problems, sometimes bordering on the absurd, such as when hotel or restaurant staff ask you the degree of celiac disease. All things which I am sure are nothing new to many of you. These experiences, although not always very pleasant, have encouraged me to share these travel stories, so that our clients can also benefit from these experiences which I have lived through, faced up to, overcome, and, sometimes, not been able to overcome.Over the years, and with the help and support of dedicated staff, I have built up a network of suppliers throughout the Italian territory.For those who have to organise their travels within the restraints of dietary considerations, there is certainly a great deal of information available on the internet, but I think that many people do not have the time to do the research, read the blogs, or write to the various organisations, restaurants, and hotels. ITALY FOR FOODIES’s staff take care of all this for their customers, with attention, dedication and seriousness, because travelling without gluten should still mean travelling without stress.Don’t let celiac limit your travel. With our experience and a touch of care, you will be able to travel in freedom and without limitations.


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