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Five tips to stay healthy while travelling in Italy – ITALYforFOODIES.Tours

News Five tips to stay healthy while travelling in Italy

12 Novembre 2020by Italyforfoodies0
Drink lots of water

In Italy there is a hot climate in summer, so drink lots of water and take a water bottle with you,

Eat fresh fruit

Italy is famouse also for friut and vegetable, so snack on fresh fruit during the day it’s much better for your health and energy.

Often your hotel breakfast will include fresh fruit or

head to the nearest local market purchase your fruit of choice for the day. This is also a great way to experience the local culture!

Enjoy the Mediterranean diet

Declared intangible cultural heritage by Unesco in 2010, the Mediterranean diet is the basis of Italian cuisine, that it is based on the use of fresh vegetables and fruita as well as extra virgin olive oil, fish and legumes. Certainly, visiting Italy, you cannot give up the many typical cakes, pasta, pizza, cheese and salami platters, but be careful, not at every meal!

Get active

Travelling in Italy means a lot of walking. Our tours are often walking tour and this is a great way to see the sights of any new italian city and will help you get your step count up for the day. Staying fit in Italy is easy!

Watch the booze
“Wine is the only artwork you can drink”
Luis Fernando Olaverri

Chianti, Prosecco, Barolo, Brunello di Montalcino…it can be easy to get into the habit of drinking daily on an Italy trips!

Let’s indulge with tastings, but you don’t rely on booze to quench your thirst.

You’ll feel good and have far more energy for your tours.

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